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nyla nikia

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nyla nikia
nyla nikia Bio:

Nyla Nikia,
is a solo artist who started out singing at an early age. Coming from a musical family background she has now stepped out on her own to show the family she was gona hold it down. Nyla Nikia says:Music has always been a part of my life as a child i knew i would one day live my dreams out i just didn't know when. In the past five-6 yrs. Nyla Nikia has went full fledge music grindin, she has managed to come across some prominent forces in the music and entertainment industry and received tracks from platinum producer's for her up- coming album. Nyla Nikia says she plans to go outside the box so be stand still on me.. I wanna give the people a show a real show with passion love and truth! Lights, Camera, Action Pure SATISFACTION... STAY UP ON ME AND PLEASE CHECK ME OUT ON MYSPACE.COM/NYLANIKIAMAJORHITZ


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