Lowell Pelkey Bio:I'm a guitarist and sometimes vocalist, formerly of Seattle's
infidel, a rock band that achieved some local following but no deals. These days I write & record on my own and I'm open to new gigs. If you like what you hear get ahold of me and we'll set something up- I know a lot of musicians with talent and gear.
My music these days spans styles from riff-heavy hard rock to melodic instrumentals, often with an emphasis on uncommon time signatures. I'm aiming for music that's accessible to listeners without being too common. That said, a straight up rocker is as good as anything. I don't know what you'd call my music so I put myself in the general Rock category and let it speak for itself. I'm not too into labels; someone said it best when they said, "The cool thing about being a rock band is you can be anything you want."
I've got a lot more music posted on soundclick.com- you can search for "Lowell Pelkey" there or click this:
To check out my personal website click this link:
PEACE and rock on