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Nadia Pero

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Bio message
Started: 12 Apr 2010 03:18 AM - Last Post: edjgraphix

Posts: 2
Bio message - posted: 12 Apr 2010 03:18 AM
I agree with your stand on the state of music. And as far as business goes... I am anti-business-for-profit. I don't mind business for survival though. For instance., I will let people download my music for free. I recently made a handful of CDs to give away to friends and generally anyone who likes it... but now I'm starting to dole out money. I made some with nicely designed covers and info for sale to earn back some money and be able to continue to buy more paper, ink, cd's cases, food. I'll never make back the money I put into it... that's not why I do it. But I figure if someone buys a CD from me, they're telling me "they get it." I myself participate in the ritual. When I go to a show, I ALWAYS SUPPORT THE BANDS (that are good and ask a reasonable price for CD's!) I recently purchased a CD from a black dude in my neighborhood – South L.A. – for $3. 4 R&B songs from a local dude... why not? I had a few bucks and the guy makes music... what a great world this could be!

Darcell is fucking awesome for that type of seventies/eighties R&B with updated lyrics... I put his tunes on my iPod!

I am constantly criticized for allowing free downloads. But if I sold my stuff, people in China and Thailand would never have downloaded my music. (the map function on this site is awesome! (track downloads and listeners.)

I do think your message on the bio is great. Just don't think of me as a sell-out when I sell my CD's , cause I'll be honest – I won't even be close to making back what I put in!

Later guys!

Erik Jurado

Posts: 2
Re: Bio message - posted: 09 Oct 2010 10:35 PM
I don't know who that guy thinks he is going on about Darcell and whatever else his unemployed **** wasted everyone's time with. And that stupid sign-off "LATER GUYS" People like that make me want to punch a hole in the wall. LMFAO! Just wasting time while I'm listening to tunes - LMFAO!