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DJ Osh and Raustean

Plays: 1936 - Downloads: 4496
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DJ Osh and Raustean
DJ Osh and Raustean Bio:

DJ Osh and Raustean Change Name to Confident posted: 21 Jan 2007 12:50 AM
In an effort to optimize the full capabilities of the world wide web, Oakland, CA. rappers DJ Osh and Raustean, have announced they are changing their group name to Confident.

Bay Boy Delivery!!!!!!! posted: 22 Jun 2004 01:24 AM
The next level of hip hop emerging from the East Bay urban underground in Northern Cakifornia. One DJ from Berkeley, and one MC from Oakland coupled with guest performances in an ever evolving musical style involving gangsta rap, funk, party, rock, turntabilism, breakbeat, trance, drum n' bass, lounge, and freestyle.