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FreeStroke Bio:

In a bar enjoying a nice cold glass of beer a new project FreeStroke was born. Four musicians all with different backgrounds came together in this new project. Guitar player Roel is known from the metal-scene. Bassplayer Rens got his experiences in the accoustic scene. Paul the drummer started in the power pop and vocalist/guitarplayer Carlos has always been a singer/songwriter.

Driven by the passion for accoustic and rock, writing own songs, the band FreeStroke has the intention to put accoustical music back on track. Inspired by bands as Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains and singer/songwriters like John Mayer and James Morisson, FreeStroke gives a new twist to this genre.

Replacing the shredding guitars by earstroking notes in combination with a rocking rhythm and energetic guitarplay FreeStroke gives a mind boggling performance giving music back to the people. Check our website for more news and facts

FreeStroke » [stream] - 754 plays
FreeStroke Sample Songs:
Click here to stream HiFi Your Mind FreeStroke - "Your Mind" - Acoustic
Click here to stream HiFi Rather Be FreeStroke - "Rather Be" - Acoustic