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schooner Bio:

...tentative behavior of our first man. A misinterpreted Kierkegaard trance, I have brightly stated that ignorance continues regardless of human perversion. Individuality, I have conjectured, is determined by intelligence, as the ignorant man happily involves himself in the formation of single-files. Again, without the malleability of youth, the means to a mold, the possibility of discernment on a personal level is veritably void. A jab at the farcical enormity of our holy literature, for a Yahwist once explained to me that fossils were in actuality conspiratorial government concoctions. Contrast at this point depicting that the first reptiles appeared approximately three hundred and forty five million years ago, that the human mind is incapable of accommodating such enormity of insight. The serpent senses our footfalls from afar, tastes with the lightning **** of its unique tongue.

eve over the alpha male posted: 04 Nov 2006 08:51 AM
...tentative behavior of our first man. A misinterpreted Kierkegaard trance, I have brightly stated that ignorance continues regardless of human perversion. Individuality, I have conjectured, is determined by intelligence, as the ignorant man happily involves himself in the formation of single-files. Again, without the malleability of youth, the means to a mold, the possibility of discernment on a personal level is veritably void. A jab at the farcical enormity of our holy literature, for a Yahwist once explained to me that fossils were in actuality conspiratorial government concoctions. Contrast at this point depicting that the first reptiles appeared approximately three hundred and forty five million years ago, that the human mind is incapable of accommodating such enormity of insight. The serpent senses our footfalls from afar, tastes with the lightning **** of its unique tongue.