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Grant Duncan

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Grant Duncan
Grant Duncan Bio:

"Sixties rock is not dead. It’s been resurrected and dirtied up little in the music of Grant Duncan. Songs anchored in Jimi-esque guitar licks and poppy chord progressions dominate this retro landscape. Don’t expect any note-for-note imitations, though. Duncan is his own man."
Jamie Anderson INDIE-MUSIC.COM
Jan 6 2007

Grant is a singer/song-writer based in Tokyo, Japan.
Currently recording a number of self-produced albums reflecting on life in the urban sprall of Tokyo.
Grant has released 4 self-produced albums of original material since arriving in Tokyo in March 2004.
Regular live performances in & around Tokyo/Yokohama with American drummer David Jackson.
Please check Grant`s website.

1 posted: 13 May 2007 03:41 AM