Her Alibi - "White Flag" |
"White Flag" (Her Alibi) The white flag has flown. Theres one more lap to go. My human race is almost over. Thanks for the show. What a waste of money that turned out to be. Why can't everybody be like me? You are the queen bee. You let me into your hive. I needed your drugged honey to stay alive. (I thought) But what a waste of a life that turned out to be. Why does everybody hate me? You bade me kiss it good-bye, so I threw my life aside. You made me lose my pride, and for that you are despised. You helped me carry my cross, and then you nailed me to it. I let you ruin my life. You took my future and you blew it. What a waste of a trip that turned out to be. Why the hell did I let you kill me? You bade me kiss it good-bye.... (2004) |