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Another Life

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Another Life
Another Life Bio:

Another Life is a Boston Rock Group who is now expanding their regional and global circuit. While all members of the band have been musicians for about 10 years, it is only as of April 2005 that they started their current unique brand of rock music. Another Life has plans to play ferociously throughout 2005/2006 during the Winter and Summer throughout an extensive range of venues. At summers end, plans will more than likely be interrupted by a record deal of some kind. There is just no way realistically that this band can be ignored. A full length album is written and recording is underway.
Another Life came from two separate places. Stoneham, Massachusetts and Waterville, Maine. In Stoneham, guitar, bass, and drums were Brian Berman, Christopher Vasques and Jon Denison, respectively. They learned the basics of the craft from a teachers extra time after school. At the age of about 14, they immediately became obsessed with their immersion into this new world of sound. They formed a band, and upon entering High School they joined the Stoneham High Jazz Ensemble. A sound was forged here ending in something between Jazz and Rock. The band's sound sited influence from Pink Floyd to Stone Temple Pilots, and a growing list of Jazz heroes. In the early stages of the band's development, rock music was most popular in the form of Grunge. None were aware at the time, but Grunge would be the bridge with which they could connect almost any two styles of music together harmoniously. This was the beginning.
Not far north, another young man was feeling the inspirational effects of the Grunge era. In Maine, Aaron Smith began playing guitar after years of choir practice as a child. He eventually picked up the saxophone, and became member of his High School's Jazz Ensemble in Maine. Throughout college, Aaron played parties and shows with friends, working on his songwriting abilities. Though there were many fruitful and satisfying projects, nothing would stick for the talented player. After graduating college in Massachusetts, he began to seek out music groups. Aaron found an ad posted by 3 rock musicians whose background credentials came frighteningly close to his own, and decided to audition. Over the years, Brian, Christopher and Jon had encountered their own troubles with getting a singer to stick. However after auditioning singers for nearly a year while building their own studio, they knew something was special about Aaron. Once they discovered his roots were connected to the same musical tree, they were convinced. The Another Life that is thriving and breaking ground right this minute was born on that day.
The attitude of the early 90s rock era is near nostalgic to many people young and old these days. People who were in their teens for the 90s are now in their 20s. People who were in their 20s are now in their 30s. This is prime time for a generational revamp. Its happened every decade, and the first of our new millennium will be no different. This feeling of longing for such powerful and inspired music comes through in Another Lifes music. Another Life will not be alone in the reclaiming of the throne. However it wont be in the company of Brainless Nu-Metal bands, Rap-Rock Hybrid Wannabe bands, or Crybaby BoyToy bands. Their unwarranted reign will soon crumble. It is only a matter of time before the dam which Another Life is leading the charge towards breaks wide open to release another era of quality music. Who do think will prevail in the aftermath?

Another Life » [stream] - 261 plays
Another Life Sample Songs:
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Blaczilla tunes Sample Songs:
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