Rhona Reid Bio:
Rhona Reid (26) lives in Copenhagen, half scottish and brought up on the westcoast of Denmark in a small town called Esbjerg.
There was nothing else to do there than spend your life as a fisherman's wife with 4-5 kids or slowly die on a barstool, so she took the consequence and moved away.
Played for 3 years with her alt.country band, The Mayfairs, made a few demo EP's, gigging around DK and Sweden and desided to break up with her 3 band boyfriends and go on as a solo artist.
The ambitions for Rhona Reid is very simple - It's all about country music, playing, writing, performing.. Some give their life to rescue the world - Rhona Reid have giving her life to music to save her soul.. Mark the word - Ironi - Or.. You wouldn't know that - Would you? Unless you listen to her music..
Thank you..