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Talons of Icarus

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Talons of Icarus
Talons of Icarus Bio:

Talons of Icarus started off life (in mid-October 2005 and know as Talon at the time) as the solo project of songwriter/musician Charles Farnham. However in late December 2005, Charlie recruited the guitar talents of Alex Lowery and the two piece band you see today was formed.

Talons of Icarus are:
Charlie - Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Vocals
Lowery - Electric Guitar

Charlie's Equipment list:
- Encore Bass
- Kustom KBA10 Bass amp
- (really old) Eko Acoustic
- Crafter Convoy CT
- Zoom G2 effects pedal

Lowery's Equipment:
- Vintage Metal Axxe Reaper
- Marshal mg series 15cdr Amp

Radio Icarus » [stream] - 835 plays
Radio Icarus Sample Songs:
Click here to stream HiFi Soundtrack to a Nightmare Skill of Lying - "Soundtrack to a Nightmare" - Hardcore
Click here to stream HiFi I wait for love The Showguns - "I wait for love" - Metal
Click here to stream HiFi Love And Tragety Of Hearts And Shadows - "Love And Tragety" - Hardcore