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Steve McIntosh

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Steve McIntosh
Steve McIntosh Bio:

I have been playing instruments most of my life, mainly guitar. I currently work with Brian Daniels(drums/perc) in California to put these tunes together over the internet. They are all instrumental so far. I try to mix Acoustic/Electronic/Alternative styles together and see what comes out. I hope you enjoy the music. Let me know what you think in the guestbook or the comments section for an individual song. Visit me at Myspace

"1970 Ford" » Acoustic 4 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Steve McIntosh - 1970 Ford  » play hi-fi
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"Goofball" » Acoustic 5 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Steve McIntosh - Goofball  » play hi-fi
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"Rash" » Instrumental 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Steve McIntosh - Rash  » play hi-fi
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Acoustic/Electronic blended.    

"Shag Carpet" » Instrumental 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Steve McIntosh - Shag Carpet  » play hi-fi
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