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Switch Bio:

Jesse Hudelson aka "Switch (The Poet)" is currently active, serving his country in the United States Army. "Switch" recently did a 12 1/2 Month tour in the combat ridden IRAQ (in O.I.F. 2 -- 2004-2005).
Recieving the Army Commendation Medal for his work at war and the Combat Action Badge for being under direct enemy fire. Many soldiers and friends of Switch did not return home from Iraq to talk to thier friends and family. For this Switch sends his love to the friends and family of the fallen soldiers all over the world given the sacrifice that is able to be given by a U.S. Soldier, Thier Lives. May you rest in peace.

Every so often an artist comes along who can not only hold their own with the current sound, but can take that sound to a completely different level all on their own. The artists with this power are a rare breed, and in a time when lack of creativity dulls our genre, Switchs light shines brighter than ever. Jesse Hudelson, a.k.a. Switch, possesses that power to push the entire genre into a higher level. With all this buzz his connections are growing and America will have a new favorite producer and recording artist in the very near future.

Regarding Sniper Video on my MYSPACE profile posted: 22 May 2006 12:09 AM
I have been catching alot of heat reagarding the war videos i have posted on my myspace dot com profile. I have posted my reasons on doing this. I wish for the public to see the things we see daily, that you dont see on normal tv. the sniper video has over 100 comments, most good and supporting the soldiers in iraq. som from america hating people who praise the killings of soldiers in iraq. other wishing or me to take the videos down. i will not take them down and they will stay up until either someone from the family of one of the soldiers in the videos asks me to, or my space forces them down. end of story. thank you for yout time and understanding. --Switch

Music Video Added posted: 01 May 2006 05:02 AM
The music video to the track "Letters From The Frontline" has been added for viewing and/or download. I have had it posted up on my MYSPACE page for a while and have had many requests for the ability to download it. So here it is. Enjoy! ;) ---Switch

Contest Song Added posted: 01 May 2006 05:01 AM
I have added a contest song titled "My Art of War". Within it are quotes from Sun Zu's "Art of War" (The Book). People who are interested in participating in this contest should keep this in mind when writing the thier verse to be placed in the 3rd verse area of this track. Thanks and good luck! -Switch

REMIXES ADDED! posted: 05 May 2005 09:19 AM
I have added remixes that I have recently done for various artists. I will be updating this site with more as I go along. Take a listen and enjoy! You are the first ones to hear these! Even before they are released to the public on CD.......
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