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The Privates

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The Privates
The Privates Bio:

Leaving behind drum loops, sequencers and samplers in favor of a hands-on performance philosophy, The Privates create polished pop-rock that moves from stripped down acoustic numbers to growling guitar-driven sonic chaos without ever leaving the path of well-crafted, well-performed songs. While trading lead vocal responsibilities around the group, The Privates always create their songs with hands, strings, wood, electricity and soul.

"Knew a Girl" » Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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Trying to capture a little of the energy and style of the 60s and 70s, "Knew a Girl" borrows elements from Matthew Sweet, The Beatles, The Replacements, The Smithereens, and a few others. Dan Garvin takes lead vocal responsibilities; growling through the lyrics in contrast to the lush, airy backing vocals. Dig the vintage guitar sound and groovy keyboard riffs from Leigh's old Korg Mono/Poly.

Vocals: Dan Garvin
Backing Vocals: Leigh Johnson, Dan Garvin, Rick Carruth
Drums: Tim Kleszynski
Bass: Dan Garvin
Guitars: Rick Carruth
Keys and Tambourine: Leigh Johnson

"A Fly" » Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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A little calypso, a little Latin and a little world music crept into this upbeat song. Sure, it's silly, but it's also a lot of fun. Not to mention we think George Harrison would have been proud of that guitar solo.