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Reality Bio:

California's Finest 2 Upcoming artist by the names of Nina and Tesh have come together to form a Duo group by the name of *REALITY*. The 2 Women have been friends for over 15 years and are ready to show the world there Music Capabilities. Not only do they write all of there Music they also arrange and Co-Produce it as well. Reality is based on real life events that happens on a daily basis. We write songs reflecting just that. We take pride in what we do and can't wait to share it with the world. We have a burning desire to not only make it but be successful in the music industry. We were both born with the gift of Musical talent, and because of that we feel it is our obligation to share what we have with everyone. Due to our real life situations the name Reality was created for all of the world to feel the realness of our lyrics.

"Sweet DayDream" » Hip Hop 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Reality - Sweet DayDream  » play hi-fi
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"What Cha Workin Wit" » Hip Hop 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Reality - What Cha Workin Wit  » play hi-fi
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