There’s a lot of rubbish talked about electric guitars and gear in general, mainly by people who just don’t play many gigs.
It’s easy to be a bedroom guitar hero - not so simple when you have to do it for real.
The Fabulous Fezheads have been touring constantly with the same Old Blue Transit Van since 1919, so we know a thing or two……
There are a couple essentials that I require out of all my instruments and equipment
That it stays in tune under all conditions
It keeps working under all circumstances
Everything else is a bonus
There are basically only 2 types of guitars Fender and Gibson, everything else is either a copy of a variation on – Steinberger’s don’t count as they’re just silly
Even modern Fenders and Gibson’s are copies, just massed produced copies of the 1950’s originals
Most people are either Fender players ( Keith ) or Gibson players ( Slash )
I don’t like Gibson’s, I’m a Fender player myself, although I have strayed to the dark side when playing mandolins, however without my two favourite brands are Hohner Pro and Burns.
Hohner pro guitars from the 1980’s and 1990’s are just the best kept secret in the guitar world, they turned out better J Basses than old Leo and better Les Paul’s then old Les.
I have a couple of Hohner basses that I use for live gigs and Fenders for the Studio
I hate guitar snobs
When you’re faced with festival crowds in dodgy weather conditions, the last thing on your mind is whether you have a nitro paint finish, Seymour Duncan’s and a brass nut.
It’s, am I still in tune, can I remember the words, and what the hell comes next!
I have a dog of a bass for such situations – Old Picky
Old Picky is an Aussie bass from down under that cost me £36 from Australia (£6 was import duty) and is basically a lightweight P Bass for girls finished in a tasteful Hot Pink Sun Burst - nice
After an extensive rewiring job caused by a stray peavey bandit in the back of the Kebabs Old Blue Van, Old Picky is now my first choice to tackle the gigs where other fear to tread.
Rule number one never take anything precious to a festie - certainly not a decent guitar
And try to use other people’s amps and PA wherever possible
The Fezheads mainly use old peavey amps because they are so durable
One of our Bandit combos survived a drunk sitting on a round of full pints which someone in their wisdom had placed on top of the amp after a gig at the Stroud Music Festival.
Somehow this guy’s bottom managed to crush the glasses with the beer in them, they literally exploded with a bang, filling up the amp with a combination of best bitter and glass splinters -
The amp survived – not so sure about the drunk…..
Another thing that I don’t get is relic guitar thing
Why would anyone spend a fortune on a deliberately aged instrument?
Spend the summer with the Fezheads in the Old Blue Van, all your gear will quickly age from closet classic to relic!
We can relic anything even people….ask father Ken
Anyway must dash need to slaughter a goat for the barbi…...