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Delirium Trigger

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Delirium Trigger
Delirium Trigger Bio:

An Audioscape of Individual Thought Processes Running at the Speed of a Single Epiphany shot straight out of the heart of the rural Uk.

We dont play about wars we've never fought in, or horror that we dont understand.Music from the Perspective,on an ordinary human being

Or as close as we can get to being one

Summer Update posted: 02 Aug 2008 09:53 AM
Summer Update Well its been a good year in the making but the EPs now been released over at I would place it here but size limitations on the uploads obviously prevent me from doing so.Thanks to anyone thats listened to the material and given me feedback.If you want to download the EP in its entirety then head to the myspace account,you may need to sign up but im not sure.Leave a comment if you do download it,or add the account on there. Once again big thankyou,and look at the for "Back to the Grind" single coming out soon Matt of Doom