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Christopher Scum

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Christopher Scum
Christopher Scum Bio:

Fifty Acres of Pain
Im not even gonna get on here with a buncha bullshit about how great I am. Im a miserable wreck of a human that finds relief in playing music. Actually, I use that term loosely, I make up a lot of acoustic songs but most are of the three chord sort, you know the signature verse, chorus, verse, chorus, little solo, a chorus and end. Nothing really spectacular, especially musically.
So why do I do it? I have too. Its in me and has to come out. My lyrics mainly, I’m not deep enough to be a poet and I dont write like that anyhow. You wont get the marvel of debating about what I mean with my lyrics. Mostly, I write straight forward, honest words that are often straight out of my life experiences.
Im an alcoholic that doesnt drink anymore, a Junkie that doesnt use dope,
A sex- a- holic that is very undersexed. I have a very beautiful girlfriend but one of anything has never been enough for me.
I wrote my first song at nine years old titled the Damn Jail Cell. I guess I must have been influenced by Jail House Rock, or maybe I heard Jail Break by Thin Lizzy. However I did it I wrote a pretty good song for a nine year old foretelling my own future. I dont know if it were some sort of psychic prediction or I subconsciously knew I would end jailed often starting as soon as I turned 18. I also wrote a short story in English class that my teacher bragged on sent off to have it published in this paper that came through all the Ohio Valley schools. It was about an old drunken bum who ended up dying on the street. Another prediction? Who knows as Ive already been on the street several times, squatted in abandon buildings and houses. I had no problem doing this from a young age. I would go get drunk with my friends, not even secure a place to spend the night and end up in an alley or on the river bank.
At 13 my Dad taught me to play bass. I was on house arrest and had plenty of time to practice. He literally gave me a reason to live. Its a reason to stay out of prison, a reason to stay off booze and other drugs.
Shortly after that I left that home hitchhiking, ended up in Tennessee and started playing in hard rock and Punk bands immediately. Ive lived many different places and been in bands everywhere I ever hung out longer than two weeks. But Tennessee is my home. I have played Bass, Guitar, and Sang in several different bands through the years but I always wrote my acoustic songs, even in jail i would be writing lyrics and sending them out to friends to hold on for me. Right now I play bass and Vox for The DIRTY WORKS

Fifty Acres of Pain FINALLY OUT! posted: 07 Feb 2009 04:46 AM
Fifty Acres of Pain  FINALLY OUT! ey folks, Just trying to get the message out on my 50 acres of Pain CD. Produced by Carl Snow the album was finally release in summer 08. Every time it was ready to master, I changed my mind about something. A melody, backing vox, a guitar line, or something as simple as I mispronounced a word. But here it is done, ready for you to make your mind up. Is it trash, art, music, or just angt put to chords? Thanks, I do hope you'll enjoy. Christopher Scum

What The Hell posted: 03 Jan 2008 03:49 AM
 What The Hell well, I just visited this site for the first in a long time. I find my song Been Gone is #1 in Alternative Country. Wait, Do they go by Alphebetical order and C was the first letter to pop up. I'm used to my stuff and Our band stuff doing fairly well regionally, but this is a first. ne of my songs is #1 another is #3. How do they rate this? However, Thank You. I have a New full length Alt. Country CD coming ot in Spring of 08 of course. It's tentatively titled 50 acres of Pain! Thank You Christophe Scum