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Cover of Darkness

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Cover of Darkness
Cover of Darkness Bio:

Cover of Darkness is an all original Hard rock Band, Our passion is in writing the songs.Mainly we're 5 guys who love to get together and rock out. We have played with numerous bands like Bang Camaro, Crooked X, Dirty Penny, Gypsy Pistoleros, Foundation, and Psychostick just to name a few........

Out of the womb was recorded and produced by Cover of Darkness in 2007....We give a new twist to an old school kind of feel...We are working on a new and upcoming album (yet to be titled) as early april 2009.....

It is heavier but more listener friendly than the last one.....Something the fans are truley looking forward to....So keep an eye out..... You won't want to miss this one... So enjoy all the songs and look further into the future of our band. Hope we'll see you in your town soon............

"Gods of War" » Hard Rock 2 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Cover of Darkness - Gods of War  » play hi-fi
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"Classica/Metal Fringe" » Hard Rock 1 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Cover of Darkness - Classica/Metal Fringe  » play hi-fi
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"Fearfully Alone" » Hard Rock 1 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Cover of Darkness - Fearfully Alone  » play hi-fi
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