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Bypass Bio:


Bypass was started as a project in Maracaibo, Venezuela, by singer Luis Abello, after his former band was disolved. The idea was to make something different from what was happening in the underground scene; so Luis and guitar player Marcos Rivas got together and started composing some songs with just the lyrics and the guitars. Some time later, bass player Angel Rincón came along and joined the band, first called Bite in Blocks. After a long search, Luis contacted drummer Carlos Machado, who had just moved to the city. The four guys started playing with Carlos on the drums for a trial period first; but they all realized the mix of influences was giving good results and they decided to start playing as a band and they changed its name to Bypass.

The band has recently recorded a four-track demo, including the songs "Wake up", "Beliefs", "You" and "Sweet Angel"


Bypass empezó como un proyecto en Maracaibo, Venezuela, por el cantante Luis Abello después de que su banda anterior se disolviera. La idea era hacer algo diferente a lo que se estaba dando en la escena underground; así que Luis y el guitarrista Marcos Rivas empezaron a componer algunas canciones con solo las letras y las guitarras. Tiempo después, el bajista Angel Rincón se unió a la banda, que primero se llamaba Bite in Blocks. Después de una larga búsqueda, Luis contactó al baterista Carlos Machado, quien se acababa de mudar a la ciudad. Los 4 empezaron a tocar con Carlos en la batería por un período de prueba primero, pero pronto todos se dieron cuenta de que la mezcla de influencias estaba dando buenos resultados y decidieron empezar a tocar todos como banda, y decidieron cambiar el nombre a Bypass.

La banda recientemente grabó un demo con 4 canciones, incluyendo "Wake up". "Beliefs", "You" y "Sweet Angel"-

"Wake up" » Progressive 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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"Beliefs" » Progressive 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
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"You" » Hard Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Bypass - You  » play hi-fi
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"Sweet Angel" » Hard Rock 0 Comments - Rate it! - Add to favorites!
Bypass - Sweet Angel  » play hi-fi
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